Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Terrorist, Terrorism, Terrorize

The words terrorism and terrorist have been bounced around very much over the last few years with our government(federal & local), as well as law enforcement agencies, not to count out the news media either. The problem is when they start wanting to label anyone that disagrees with them, anyone wishing to express their rights to assemble, commit acts of civil disobediance or to expose wrong doings of businesses & people, as terrorist or those commiting acts of terrorism. Perhaps they need to go back to school or check out any dictionary to see what the real meanings of those words are.

Terrorism ~ 1) The act of terrorizing. 2) A system of government that seeks to real by intimidation.(sound familiar) 3) Unlawful acts of violence commited in an organized attempt to overthrow a government.(who out there would consider peaceful demonstration as a violent act)
Terrorist ~ 1) One who adopts or supports a policy of terrorism. 2) An alarmist; a scaremonger.(Bill O'Reilly?)
Terrorize ~ 1) To reduce to a state of terror; terrify. 2) To coerce through intimidation.

Now, where have we seen cases of the above recently? At Occupy Movements to be sure, brought about not by the protesters, but police departments and governments to scare & intimidate those protesters. So before the government, law enforcement, some news media outlets and others begin calling everyone in site a terrorist or claims someone is commiting an act of terroism they need to not only check out the meaning of the word they are using, but take a long look in the mirror to see who the real terrorist are and who is commiting those acts of terrorism!

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