Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trickle Down Economics or Trickle Up Economics

I was watching Bloomberg News this morning and they were interviewing a businessman/investor that makes millions of dollars a year. Not to much unlike Mitt Romney in fact, but with a vastly different perspective on things. He was saying that he and those that make millions like him should be taxed more because in many cases they are paying a lower percentage of taxes than those in the middle class and that if the taxes are cut for anyone it should be the middle class because they are the main spenders in this country not the rich. He also brought up the point that millionaire busness owners do not create jobs because they are rich and have more money as some in politics would have you think, but that jobs are created because there is a demand for a product being manufactured, sold, ect. If the middle class does not have money to spend then of course there will be no demand for many things because people can not afford it.

(The following is my opinion on this & not anything he said, although he even said Trickle Down Economics does not work)
The middle class needs to be restored in this country if we are to continue to be the country we once were. We cannot contiue down this path of the corporations sucking up all the money while the middle class turns into the poor and the wealth gap increases. All those who are longing for someone like Ronald Reagan need to wake up because it was partly due to his Trickle Down Economics that pushed us towards the situation we are now in today. All it did was to create wealth for those that had the means while the middle class began its decent into poverty.

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