Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Death of Thanksgiving as a Family Holiday?

A time for families to come together to give thanks for what they have and to spend some quality time with those that sometimes we do not get to see all that often. A day of rest, relaxation and perhaps even contemplation of the past year and looking forward to the new possibilities before us.

The days of Ebenezer Scrooge are alive and well in America today!

Unfortunately not everyone gets the day off, although they should if they want it off. Also think of all those retail workers that get to come to work earlier and earlier every year because of all the retail corporations wanting peoples' money earlier and earlier, or they are afraid that someone might get a few dollars jump on themby opening sooner. Of course those that work in the corporate offices get this entire weekend off, while the workers in the stores have to deal with all the crowds of people that at many times are rude, mean, uncaring and only worried that they get whatever hot item is out this year before anyone else, even if that means fighting for it or trampling anyone that gets in their way. Ah yes, such a wonderful holiday that was once perhaps the last bastion for family get togethers that trumped even Christmas, is now trampled upon by the greedy not only in the corporate offices, but the greedy consumer rushing to the stores even before midnight now to grab what they can before someone else gets it! So yes we might as well flush Thanksgiving down the toilet with all the other holidays that we as Americans have allowed Corporate America to turn into commercialized money making greed feasts! Though Americans in the quest for that perfect gift(for themselves in many cases) have allowed their common sense(if some ever had any) to disappear quicker than their money does on Black Friday or perhaps very soon Black Thursday! And many of you out there still wondering why people are Occupying Wall Street and other places! Holidays need to be brought back to their true meanings, as many of them have lost the ideals of what they were meant for and should not continue to be the path for some to think of what profit they can make from it!

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