Saturday, November 26, 2011

Welfare State or the State of Welfare?

I think that welfare should not be a permanent solution in anyones' life, but the government seems unwilling to change the system and the problem they created. If you pay people more on welfare than they could make at a job then the only incentive a person has for working rather than collecting is pride. Of course pride will not pay your rent, put food on your table or pay your medical bills. Welfare should be a short term solution to the problem not a lifestyle that is passed from generation to generation in some families. Most people if given the oppurtunity to work in a job would rather do that then lay around doing nothing, but it has to be in a job where they can support their families and provide for their medical care. We the people have allowed this country to become a welfare state by not doing enough ourselves to change it. One of the major issues we have today is everyone is afraid to try new ideas or change the status quo. This is on both sides of the political spectrum not just one or the other. Welfare is just one thing that needs to be reformed or changed, but there are many others. Good jobs need to be created and people need to be trained to fill those jobs. Yes, some people will never wish to work and would rather lay around, but if that is their choice then they should not be supported in that effort. However for those they do wnat to work, or do want to improve their lives and do not have the means to do so they should be given that chance and not just be paid a check every month to sit around.

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