Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Religious Symbol of America


Here it is the sign of America's Religion. In many cases it does not matter what you claim to follow, this is what is really important to most. Corporations especially love this symbol as this is all many of them think of and pray to take more from the unwary consumer. Banks & Wall Street have placed this on a very high pedestal and worship it daily hoping to get more. This is also what retail sellers look for and the consumer is more than willing to give away. The pharmaceutical companys love this symbol as well since they continue to create new drugs that never cure, but that people will pay whatever price for just to alleviate their symptoms for awhile. There are others as well that worship the almighty dollar and help to keep the crony capitalist ideals in place allowing the rich to get richer, while the poor become more poor and the middle class slowly disappear! We need to wake up in this country and make the changes neccessary that will take us towards a better future for not only ourselves, but our future generations as well and hope that it is not to late already!

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