Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Terrorist, Terrorism, Terrorize

The words terrorism and terrorist have been bounced around very much over the last few years with our government(federal & local), as well as law enforcement agencies, not to count out the news media either. The problem is when they start wanting to label anyone that disagrees with them, anyone wishing to express their rights to assemble, commit acts of civil disobediance or to expose wrong doings of businesses & people, as terrorist or those commiting acts of terrorism. Perhaps they need to go back to school or check out any dictionary to see what the real meanings of those words are.

Terrorism ~ 1) The act of terrorizing. 2) A system of government that seeks to real by intimidation.(sound familiar) 3) Unlawful acts of violence commited in an organized attempt to overthrow a government.(who out there would consider peaceful demonstration as a violent act)
Terrorist ~ 1) One who adopts or supports a policy of terrorism. 2) An alarmist; a scaremonger.(Bill O'Reilly?)
Terrorize ~ 1) To reduce to a state of terror; terrify. 2) To coerce through intimidation.

Now, where have we seen cases of the above recently? At Occupy Movements to be sure, brought about not by the protesters, but police departments and governments to scare & intimidate those protesters. So before the government, law enforcement, some news media outlets and others begin calling everyone in site a terrorist or claims someone is commiting an act of terroism they need to not only check out the meaning of the word they are using, but take a long look in the mirror to see who the real terrorist are and who is commiting those acts of terrorism!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Time to Take Back America!

We have allowed America to be taken over by the Federal Reserve, the Banks, Lobbyist, CEOs & the puppet Politicians from both parties that they support. When are we going to wake up and take our country back from those that would run it into the ground, steal all her wealth & resources, destroying the environment, the economy and the American people in the proccess while they run away with as much as they can take and leave us with nothing. This has gone on far to long and needs to end. Everyone needs to get it into their heads that this will only get worse before it gets better. Pay attention to what is happening around you. We need change before there is nothing left for us to fix.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Congress is out of control & Americans need to take it back!

We do need to take back Congress! They are out of control, out of touch with the American people, out for themselves & the special interests, so they should be out of office if they do not wake up and listen to those that have voted for them! We are tired of you doing as you damn well please and taking us all for granted. We put you in office and we can take you out of office as well. You work for us the American people, you do not work for the lobbyist, the special interests, big business, the banks or the small percent of people that happen to be millionaires. If those were the only ones voting for you, how likely is it that you would have even been elected as a locale dog catcher? Start listening to what we the American people want or start packing your bags!

Some things never change, do they?

The following was part of what someone said in reference to Americans;

These people have made many rules that the rich may break, but the poor may not. They take tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich that rule.

Sounds like it could have been said just today, or a week ago perhaps? However this was said over 130 years ago by Tatanka Yotanka, known to most Americans as Sitting Bull. So have things really changed all that much from that time or before, or are we doomed to always have this struggle between the rich and the poor?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Welfare State or the State of Welfare?

I think that welfare should not be a permanent solution in anyones' life, but the government seems unwilling to change the system and the problem they created. If you pay people more on welfare than they could make at a job then the only incentive a person has for working rather than collecting is pride. Of course pride will not pay your rent, put food on your table or pay your medical bills. Welfare should be a short term solution to the problem not a lifestyle that is passed from generation to generation in some families. Most people if given the oppurtunity to work in a job would rather do that then lay around doing nothing, but it has to be in a job where they can support their families and provide for their medical care. We the people have allowed this country to become a welfare state by not doing enough ourselves to change it. One of the major issues we have today is everyone is afraid to try new ideas or change the status quo. This is on both sides of the political spectrum not just one or the other. Welfare is just one thing that needs to be reformed or changed, but there are many others. Good jobs need to be created and people need to be trained to fill those jobs. Yes, some people will never wish to work and would rather lay around, but if that is their choice then they should not be supported in that effort. However for those they do wnat to work, or do want to improve their lives and do not have the means to do so they should be given that chance and not just be paid a check every month to sit around.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Death of Thanksgiving as a Family Holiday?

A time for families to come together to give thanks for what they have and to spend some quality time with those that sometimes we do not get to see all that often. A day of rest, relaxation and perhaps even contemplation of the past year and looking forward to the new possibilities before us.

The days of Ebenezer Scrooge are alive and well in America today!

Unfortunately not everyone gets the day off, although they should if they want it off. Also think of all those retail workers that get to come to work earlier and earlier every year because of all the retail corporations wanting peoples' money earlier and earlier, or they are afraid that someone might get a few dollars jump on themby opening sooner. Of course those that work in the corporate offices get this entire weekend off, while the workers in the stores have to deal with all the crowds of people that at many times are rude, mean, uncaring and only worried that they get whatever hot item is out this year before anyone else, even if that means fighting for it or trampling anyone that gets in their way. Ah yes, such a wonderful holiday that was once perhaps the last bastion for family get togethers that trumped even Christmas, is now trampled upon by the greedy not only in the corporate offices, but the greedy consumer rushing to the stores even before midnight now to grab what they can before someone else gets it! So yes we might as well flush Thanksgiving down the toilet with all the other holidays that we as Americans have allowed Corporate America to turn into commercialized money making greed feasts! Though Americans in the quest for that perfect gift(for themselves in many cases) have allowed their common sense(if some ever had any) to disappear quicker than their money does on Black Friday or perhaps very soon Black Thursday! And many of you out there still wondering why people are Occupying Wall Street and other places! Holidays need to be brought back to their true meanings, as many of them have lost the ideals of what they were meant for and should not continue to be the path for some to think of what profit they can make from it!

The Religious Symbol of America


Here it is the sign of America's Religion. In many cases it does not matter what you claim to follow, this is what is really important to most. Corporations especially love this symbol as this is all many of them think of and pray to take more from the unwary consumer. Banks & Wall Street have placed this on a very high pedestal and worship it daily hoping to get more. This is also what retail sellers look for and the consumer is more than willing to give away. The pharmaceutical companys love this symbol as well since they continue to create new drugs that never cure, but that people will pay whatever price for just to alleviate their symptoms for awhile. There are others as well that worship the almighty dollar and help to keep the crony capitalist ideals in place allowing the rich to get richer, while the poor become more poor and the middle class slowly disappear! We need to wake up in this country and make the changes neccessary that will take us towards a better future for not only ourselves, but our future generations as well and hope that it is not to late already!